Sunday, May 16, 2010


Our daughter graduated from college yesterday. Since 2004 this was the fourth graduation of one of our kids. Two HS and two college with a wedding in the mix. When our son graduated HS in '04, announcements were sent to every family member and friend we have. Felt bad then as a graduation invitation means we are proud, please send money. When our daughter graduated from HS in '06 we sent them out again but offered a party in return.

When our son graduated from college in '08, we narrowed down the list but, hey, our first child was graduating from college and we wanted to shout it from the rooftops. A year later he got married and everyone, of course, was included again.

A few months ago when it came time for our daughter's invitations to be sent out we decided to order ten "Budget" announcements to send to immediate family when, again, we wanted to shout it out. Our baby was graduating from college. Thank God for Facebook and the opportunity to spread the word without any obligation.

If your graduate's name begins with A, B or C your gratification will come early on. The moment is over. If your graduate's name begins with X,Y or Z you have no choice but to sit and be excited about every one prior and wait for your child's name to be called.

As you all know graduations can be unbearably boring and you won't attend unless it is your child, grandchild, brother, sister, niece or nephew. For this your gift is substantial. This person is a special part of your life. You will endure the graduation when chances are you will know one or two of the hundreds graduating. A real pet peeve for me are the people named Adams who snag front row seats and as soon as their darling receives a diploma all make a mass exodus causing the Allison family to miss hearing their child's name because of all of the commotion. What if everyone did this?....the Zeman child and family would be the only one left in the venue to witness an event that is as special to them as it is to you.

High School graduations are a tremendous milestone however, most everyone accomplishes this feat so when your graduate marches across the stage it is rude and a bit redneck for your child's cheering section to scream and yell especially after the next name is read.

In college you have the option of attending a ceremony for the entire graduating class or just to attend a departmental event. Chances are there will be a fabulous and famous speaker for the entire graduating class, if you want to hear this person be prepared to be polite and spend a long time at said event. If you attend this one you should be prepared to make a day of it.

Fact is this accomplishment is viewed differently from person to person. A invitation to share this day deserves your respect.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Mother's Day

I know that I live a idyllic life and know there are so many who have bad relationships with their mothers, no relationship at all or lost her before you knew her. My hope for all of you that you have had a strong maternal influence who has touched your heart and life.

Growing up I don't think I knew anyone who didn't live with their biological mothers. It was probably until I moved on to Jr. High/Middle School that I ever had a friend whose parents were divorced, they were adopted, or had lost parents in one way or the other. But, like me, they all had someone to raise them and they were loved. It was not until HS until I actually learned that not everyone had that.

On this Mother's Day, I would like to salute my Mom, I wouldn't be here without her.

A mother raised you and loved you, she will forever pick you up when you fall, you will not agree with her all the time but most of the stuff she told you has now been perceived as wisdom.

My own job as Mom has been so easy. I have beautiful, successful children, I enjoy their company as I think they do mine. They have never told me they hated me, I have never been ashamed of them and have never had to bail them out of jail. I know I got lucky but would like to think it was because of something I did.