Saturday, November 27, 2010

My Christmas Conundrum

For the past twenty three years I have sent out at least 150 Christmas cards each season. Most have always included a picture of our children and many times the four of us. Of course, they were only sent to close family and friends as I am a firm believer that business associates and casual acquaintances do not want to see your beautiful, smiling family. Think of all the money that has been spent reproducing these treasured family photos to have someone say "Do you know who these people are"?

I, for one, delight in getting a picture each year from my special peeps. I am even so scary that I save them when I am certainly not a saver. I even love to read the Christmas letters which have gotten a totally bad rap through the years. Until a year ago I was one of the ones you got one from. Patting myself on the back here as I always worked to make mine entertaining. They were not a listing of accomplishments or monetary gains. Just a synopsis of our year good and bad.

In this year of 2010 one child is married with a home and life of his own, the other, our baby, is an employed college grad. They will always be ours but is it time to leave them out of the picture and a summary of our lives? Plus, more than half of those on my Christmas card list are my friends on Facebook and as a communications junkie I have shared the past year with all of them through this amazing medium.

The conundrum here is do I save the $300 associated with producing Christmas cards, letters and pictures? Do I only send them to business associates, the elderly and those not on FB? What will they think if they don't get the picture or letter they have received for the past twenty plus years? How will my life change when on December 26th I will not wake up, run to the Hallmark store to get cards at 50% off as I've done for years? And, what picture will I put in my decades old album of Christmas family photos?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Twas the night before Thanksgiving

and all through our pad,

All the creatures were cowering,

as to not make Mom mad.

The casseroles were covered and ready to bake,

beginning to wonder if there will be enough cake.

The turkey is basted in its tray sprayed with Pam,

God bless the one who invented Honey Baked Ham.

The family is coming from places quite near,

wonder which of them will do something goofy this year.

The table is set and the dirty laundry is out of sight,

Happy Thanksgiving to all and to all a good night.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Too Much Black?

Just completed my semi-annual closet overhaul. As always, I'm disgusted with myself for forgetting about something I bought last year and the excess of it all. No, I do not have a room of clothes and hundreds of shoes and purses. However, if I had kept every dress, pant, blouse, sweater or accessory I have owned through the years, I'm sure I would qualify.

How many clothes does one person need? A working person should be able to complete two weeks without duplicating and outfit. This does not mean ten pairs of pants, skirts, tops or shoes. It means about half of this, some great accessories and some creativity. Then you will need some special occasion attire, casual wear and workout/lounging gear.

Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to be the clothing Nazi here. Lord knows I always have and continue to get a major rush out of shopping for clothes. There have been some very bad decisions and ones that have given me pleasure for so many years. Plus, when my body image isn't working on all cylanders I can do the same with purses and shoes.

Even if you lead a jet set life, attend formal functions three times a week there is really no excuse for having two hundred of anything. If you are fabulousy wealthy you will forget about things just about as quick as you buy them.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Cleaning Out Your Closet

I feel blessed that I have a spacious walk-in closet that I share with my husband. My children are grown and their closets have been turned into Christmas Decoration and Keepsake Center centrals. Sure, in a world I will never live in there are such things as his and her's walk-ins and complete storage rooms that don't involve the attic, basement or garage but this is my life and how I handle it.

First, you, you and your spouse, and children if still at home should spend two weeks a year just purging the home of your clothing and shoes. You will be devoid of clutter and will actually know what you have and what you need. Failure to do this results in an extreme waste of money as your closet may be so crowded you can not remember what you have bought and what you have.

Here are some tips:

1. If you have outgrown something and keep it in hopes of getting to that size again. Realize that when you lose weight you are not going to run to wear old clothes.

2. Admit your mistakes. Everyone loves a sale. I am the first to admit that if something is 75% off I will buy it as far as clothes or shoes go. How much money have you saved if you immediately realize that the clothing is not flattering or the shoes kill your feet.

3. For every piece you buy....before you hang it up... take out a like item that has seen little use.

4. Don't forget to purge your socks and underwear. You have one body and two feet. Do you really think that fifty pairs of socks and panties is resourceful?

5. The only accessories you should keep are jewelry pieces. Real or costume they always seem to come back in style. Purses, wallets, scarves get way more wear and tear. What good is a ratty Prada purse?

I can guarantee that after a huge major closet overhaul you will find some buried treasures.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election Day 2010

When I was born Dwight Eisenhower was President and he held that office until I was six years old. Of course, had no political views during these years, probably wasn't sure who the President was until about 1959 when that rich, liberal JFK began his journey to office. I really didn't know what rich or liberal was then just going on what I heard from my family.

I liked what I saw from this young President, his beautiful wife, his kids (about the ages of me and my brother) plus, I had never heard until then about a family so large, lived in such wealth and did so many fascinating things. I remember how those around me didn't approve on his stand on segregation plus, although very young,knew of our President and Marilyn Monroe. I was in the third grade when my teacher announced that our President had been assassinated and her telling us that she saw the twinkle of some of our eyes, what was that all about? I remember the events of the next week and my ensuing life became a study of the Kennedy family. If he had lived I think he would have, hands down, been the greatest Democratic President of my life time. No one else has come close.

LBJ, bless his heart, was thrust into office at such a horrible time in our country. Don't need to elaborate on the events that changed the course of history during his span. Still, young and not savvy to the way of the world, I think his greatest accomplishment was Lady Bird and her crusade on anti-littering. I have to say this is my favorite "First Lady" platform of my time.

We got a Republican again in '68 in Richard Nixon. I was old enough to know that if Bobby Kennedy had not been killed, history as we know it would have been changed. Still not up on the political scene in my early teens knew that the adults around me were thrilled about this new President so all was well. That is until 1972.

I missed voting for the first time that year by a few weeks but it would have been for Nixon. That's just what I knew. The next few years showed me how disappointed I could be by a President's actions. Watergate, impeachment and resignation were something new for my generation. Heck we only knew of assassination.

Gerald Ford seemed like a nice enough guy. He fell down a lot, did the best he could but, like Johnson, thrown into the role. His wife too was a asset. How many first ladies have a world renowned rehab center named after them? Not sure, but was this the launch of rehab facilities?

Of course, as history dictates, if one party screws up the trust of the Presidency, it is certain that in the next election the next party will prevail even if they don't have a strong candidate. 1976 and Jimmy Carter. A really good, Christian guy with the best intentions but a President these traits don't make. The next four years were not the most glowing for our country.

Again, this performance brought about a change in command. One that will go down as an extreme highlight of my life. Of course, Ronald Reagan had nothing to do with the birth of my children through his years in office, but his strong command brought about gains and dreams for a strong future. I loved everything about this man, he was not perfect but about as perfect as a President could get. At his re-election I actually ran to the polls to cast the first vote before I went to work. I sincerely thinks he deserves a spot on Mt. Rushmore or a place on a coin or paper bill. Plus, a bonus for me, he was once an actual movie star.

President Reagan was so strong that after eight years in office his predecessor could only be someone of his endorsement. Enter George Bush. Certainly not Ronnie but, again, a great guy and Barbara was every one's Mom and Grandma. He did a quite admirable job but as Americans tend to grow restless he didn't make it to his second term.

I must say I have more respect for Bill Clinton than I did in '92. Back then he was perceived as a Kennedyesque solution to what was ailing the country at the time. Overlooked were his confirmed affairs while a married man and the shady dealings such as White Water. He was handsome, played a mean sax, a baby boomer and his campaign song was one of Fleetwood Mac. His wife didn't sit home and bake cookies. Obviously, he was what so many felt our country needed. Personally, his policies disrupted our once idyllic life. Plus, it was quite difficult to explain to a pre-teen what he and Monica did in the Oval Office. He got through his eight years in spite of all this and when it was over Americans barely were ready for a change.

George W. Bush, as we all know, was the second of a son who followed his Father to the presidency. Agreed, not the sharpest knife in drawer but a good, moral man with great intentions. It wasn't his fault that the most massive attack on American soil took place within nine months of him taking office or that the most devastating hurricane ever ravaged New Orleans a few years later. These events came at a time when we were allowed access to his every action through this miracle of technology we all have at our finger tips. Unfortunately, our county seems to want to blame all their troubles on this one man. He made it through eight years and again voters decided "It was time for change".

We elected our first African-American President who could read the hell out of a teleprompter. To me a true African-American is Condoleeza Rice or Colin Powell, not someone whose Mother is as white as I am. His silvery tongue captivated me in the beginning when my only option was an elderly man with a soon to be rising star running mate. I will forever be an Elephant so I made my choice. The country is in a worse state than I ever remember and after forty years of gains the race card keeps surfacing.

So now the trend is going back to the conservative side. I pray that someone will appear that can actually lead us back to the "Good Old Days".