Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dressing Up

For a 55 year old I feel and look well. Such a blessing. However, I so need to clean up my dressing habits. Oh, sure I clean up well when I go out, to work, weddings, parties, funerals, et al. But my dress code has some serious issues when it comes to at home.....I am finding myself venturing to Wal-Mart or Lowes in five year old sweat pants, athletic shoes and T-Shirts because that is what I wear around the house.

I love the makeover shows where they take a frumpy woman and make her beautiful. Fact is all women are beautiful and when the makeovers come out they have haircuts that will demand constant attention, make-up that will take 30 minutes to put on, clothes that they will never wear or be comfortable in.

I marvel at the women who are put together all the time. I think the last generation of women who went to the beauty salon every week is about to die out. They have been replaced by women as young 15 who have surgeries to enhance their looks. I'm such an advocate of not having unnecessary surgeries but the "Lifestyle Lift" is beginning to intrigue me.

I am not my best when my shoes are pincing my feet or my waistband cuts my middle. I need to find the perfect clothes for stay at home wear, that provides great comfort, looks good enough for a trip to the grocery store and repels cooking, cleaning and gardening stains. I think my New Year's Resolution each year is to look better at home.

In retrospect, a woman can dress up to be beautiful but a real woman doesn't need to dress up.

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