Look at the lives of a twenty-five and seventy-five year old in 2010....... The person born a quarter of a century ago most likely never lived in a home without a color TV....... The person born three quarters of a century ago never saw a television until they were about 25.......When the 25 year old was born more than likely he was put in disposable diapers, his Dad coached his Mom through the birth in a birthing room in a state of the art hospital.......the 75 year old was born at home with a mid-wife, she wore cloth diapers that her mother or the maid washed and dried.......the 75 year old's Dad was in the next room at best at her birth.......Today the 25 year old has barely written a check, the 75 year old has written millions and will continue to do so as that is what they know.......The 25 year old has probably never listened to music from a record album, the 75 year old still has a stack of 45's.......The 25 year old went to school and was immediately introduced to a computer, the 75 year old most likely is still trying to figure them out.
Such a difference 50 years can make and I can honestly say this might be one of the biggest gaps ever. Love to my Mother and Son on their 75th and 25th years.
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