Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Social Network

So looked forward to, read some great reviews and finally saw the "The Social Network" today with my Daughter and Daughter-In-Law. These ladies are in their twenties and have been on Facebook for five years now long before I was ever quite sure what it was.

The movie tells the story of the creators of Facebook. I marveled in how brilliant they were academically, socially and being adept in the art of a sale. To have all three of these traits will certainly make one a very wealthy and successful person. To realize that you don't have all three and to know how to network will make you a billionaire. Mark Zukenburg may have not made the most ethical decisions, but, hey, he was a 20 year old college sophomore and what he produced changed so many lives.

Looked up his bio and he is the child of a Psychiatrist and a Dentist. Certainly an upper middle class background. In the movie the twins who claimed that he stole their idea, were always armed with Daddy's lawyers and money. There was never a mention of Zuckenburg's parents. I assumed he was at Harvard only because of his brilliance. He had to borrow money from his roommate to get his business started. Kudos to his parents for raising a son who could be so independent. Or, I wonder if there was no relationship at all which I think is quite sad.

Anyway, I predict numerous awards for the direction, screenplay and acting of "The Social Network". I will totally agree with these accolaides if presented. Plus, the story of a very young billionaire, his creation and those surrounding him is quite a story. Facebook is certainly the medium that defined the last decade.

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