Thursday, May 19, 2011

It Has Happened Again!

Come on you men out there, if you have an insatiable, roving eye and can't keep your zipper up.......don't get married. All you Average Joes can go under the radar and your philandering only hurts and humiliates your wife in front of her family and friends. There will never be a mention of it in the newspaper, the news in general or, segments on "Entertainment Tonight" about your lust. Oh sure, your children will be devastated and you could possibly loose your job but, your indiscretions only effect those who counted on and believed in you.

I can even understand finding a "soul mate" in a woman other than the one you chose to marry. Situations and circumstances can very well lead you into an affair. Not OK but, it doesn't make you a total CAD. Example.....Governor John Sanford, what he did was so wrong but, his wife did not have to start over with a bevy of his affairs slapped in her face. They will both survive.

Still can't figure out why Jackie O put up with her husband's "Alleged" affair with Marilyn Monroe. It's obvious that Hillary's best interest was to overlook Ginnifer, Paula and, Monica under the desk in the Oval Office. I lost a lot of respect for her and, it amazes me that Bill continues to be a revered statesman when he broke one of the "Ten Commandments".

Tiger and his story, which is history now, single handedly ruined the PGA Tour for me. He got the what goes around comes around when his game hit the dirt and good riddance. He, like Jesse James, publicly humiliated a great woman and, I admire these ladies for the way they handled it. I wouldn't hire John Edwards to clean my septic tank as his "love child" was conceived while his wife was dying.

Now the "Governator" to whom I spent lots of money seeing and even purchasing his movies and, another I once admired .....has now become the lowest form in the above listed. Becoming a father with two women who lived under the same roof while being married to one and the other being the maid probably makes Maria the most humiliated woman ever.

Of all the ones listed and, I could name so many more, it is really sad that only two whose reputations survived from scandal were our Presidents. But, I suppose that's how powerful a CAD needs to be to get away with it.

So, to you almighty gentlemen and, you Average Joes, think about it before your inflated egos lead you into something that could quite possibly ruin your lives. People will find out. No amount of money or careful planning will keep it from those who make their living by finding out what you do.

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