Friday, October 9, 2009

Put A Shirt On....Please

Calling all men. Our society deems it acceptable for gentlemen to be in public places without a shirt.....i.e, the beach or the pool. We all know this if fine but as I walked into a restaurant the other day that had a sign posted....."Shirts and Shoes Please", you have think that our men have taken the shirtless thing a bit too far.

We all know that they would love the tables to be turned and women could have this topless freedom. Men love boobs. The baby boomers started with their National Geographic and Sear's catalogue's as the way to provide them with a better view of of their burgeoning passion. In the early sixties it was a young boy's only view of this new obsession. Today, a nine year old boy has access to any image he desires of the all consuming breast. He can go on the Internet and see to his heart's desire and if his parents have blocked him, he will find a friend who hasn't been shut out. The images of the "mighty" bra from the Sear's catalogue have been replaced with the ultra sexy ones of Victoria's Secret that comes to his door. Plus, in these times, all they have to do is go outside their home and catch a fulfilling image of their most sacried sight . Glad I lived to see this.

You love us ( our girls) and we love that you do. However, with you guys, not so much. We sometimes lust after your good bodies at the beach or the pool, we are not obsessed with them. Doesn't matter if you are twenty, thirty or sixty, we do not want to see you mow the yard, go out to get the paper, walk your dog, or take out garbage without your shirt unless you have the body of a "Greek God". Your back may look like a sweater with all its hair, you may have the propensity for "man boobs", or are skinny or chubby. I am only speaking for myself when I say that these visions are not sexy. We love you for so many reasons. God bless you for still looking when we are not comfortable with our bodies and begin to sag. But for us,......... Put A Shirt On...... Please!

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