Friday, March 26, 2010


Extra marital affairs have dominated our political and entertainment news for sometime now and some may think, what is the world coming to? To me it means nothing new except there is a billion dollar industry out there that loves to expose scandal. I read it, I listen to it as it dominates my media waves. Kudos to pappratzi, magazines, websites and TV shows that allow us to watch these stories. While there is a record unemployment, the people who deliver our scandal news all have wonderful jobs and probably won't be laid off.

We have the cheating Jesse this week, Tiger and John Edwards last week and on and on. Since Bill and Monica in '98 you can always bet that each week some public figure will be caught with his pants down. Certainly not what our marriage vows taught us to believe, but, again nothing new.

Baby boomers know about the Kennedys and Marilyn Monroe. It is a known fact that Roosevelt and Eisenhower had other women and Thomas Jefferson had Sally Hemmings.

Cheating spouses have always been around. We now have the opportunity to hear about it everyday. Don't know if this is good or bad.

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