Dangling participles, punctuation, sentance construction and spelling always gave me a fit in my school days. The definitions of so many words still soar above my head. However, with just a click I can check all of these and hopefully correct everything.
At the risk of sounding like a dinosaur, in this day of texting and Facebook all of these principles seem to be thrown out the window. My winter projects have consisted of connecting with the world via Facebook and cleaning out pictures and old yearbooks.
As I read the messages from friends from a 1970 Jr. High yearbook I realized there was no mention of a BFF or a lol. A typical entry was "I have enjoyed being in class with you this year. Have a wonderful summer. I hope to see you next year". These passages were written by the bright and not so bright. A misspelled word was marked out and correctly replaced. That is just what we did.
Today the generations after us have completely thrown every principle of the english language out the window and we are beginning to do this as well. As my children continue to remind me that a FB post should not be an essay and I try to scale down. However, my I will never be i, things will be punctuated as needed and to the best of my ability everything will be spelled right. It is just not that hard and something we should all do.
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