Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Going Under

Have you ever had a minor surgery when you have been fortunate enough to never have gone through major ones? I've had a few, universally viewed as, minor ones. Until yesterday, it had been three years since my last little trip to the surgical center. Ironically this procedure was to remove a toe which was supposedly corrected by the event prior.

Each time the doctor explained what would be done, recovery time and their offices contacted me with dates. You prepare for the allotted recovery time and all is well until you get the CALL.

I'm pretty sure anesthesia is the scariest part of any simple surgery or, they do a good job of making it seem that way. I'm sorry guys but, you seem like vultures. You are all extremely pleasant and I know the questions you ask are mandated and required. But, you really need to lighten up..........

Among the many questions I got on my and extended families medical histories, I got some I felt quite bizarre. Does the fact that your Grandmother had diabetes have anything to do with having a toe amputated? Why can you continue to take your prescribed medications or Tylenol when you must give up a fish oil supplement a week prior to surgery?

I was passing all my tests with flying colors until I mentioned that I had a cold/cough and was taking nothing for it. I was instructed on this Thursday to go to an Urgent Care prior to my surgery the following Tuesday to get it cleared up which could only mean being prescribed a drug. But, my "One A Day" was taboo. Plus, can you really go to Urgent Care and have a cold cleared up in four days? After this battery of questions I was convinced that if I went under, I may or may not have been alive on Wednesday. So I chose not to and had a "Local" instead.

Less than 48 hours after my surgery, I sit and write this, have done two loads of laundry and feeling pretty good. Though pretty much a surgery novice I have to wonder how so many choose to have elective ones and not be a little spooked. I also wonder how a emergency surgery is ever performed when the recipient could have possibly had food or drink within six hours prior and could have ingested some Vitamin C, excessive amounts of alcohol or illegal or prescription drugs?

In this day of lawsuits I suppose it is better to be safe than sorry but, again, the anesthesia people need to lighten up.

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