Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Enough Plastic Please!

In this day and time, it is no longer a sign of success and wealth to have a wallet full of plastic cards. You know the ones.....They are the ones that let you buy anything you want as long as you don't exceed your limit. Then when that limit is exceeded you can get another to pay the balance and start all over again.

We hear stories daily of the devastation this practice has created and, I think everyone has wised up and knows how to use a Credit Card and the horrors of misuse. At least I hope so.

I'm talking about those other plastic cards which you probably have twice as many more of than the dangerous ones. Rewards Cards.

At last count I had over thirty of these mini pieces of plastic attached to my key chain. Other than being a huge burden to the little chain, it became impossible to find the correct one for the store I was in. Plus, never one to hurt any one's feelings, I always felt bad when the people at "Food Lion" saw that I had a card from "Harris Teeter".

Other than the grocery store ones that let you watch your savings roll at the cash register, the rest are pretty much useless. Oh sure, you get plenty of emails informing you of sales and occasionally some post office delivered mail with a coupon for something you never use but, there is absolutely no reason to carry them around. Especially when you can give your phone number and get the same benefits.

The whole process seems like such a waste of time and materials. You certainly don't have one for Wal-Mart or Target. High end department stores don't issue them but, if you have their REAL plastic card you can get some great deals.

I guess we have and will continue to live in a plastic world.

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